
Sunday, June 15, 2014

On the Disabled List

My calf is STILL jacked. I'm pissed because number one, the first time I ever did that video I thought, "that is a calf injury waiting to happen!" And number two, I've wondered exactly how many people get through these workouts without doing serious bodily injury to themselves. My guess would be about .00001%. I'm sure they hurt themselves for the same reason I did : they don't listen to themselves when that little voice says, "you're an idiot and are going to totally jack yourself up!"  

I'm not disparaging T25 or ShaunT at all. He constantly reminds you to go at your own pace, listen to your body and modify, modify, modify. I should have modified, I didn't, I got hurt. My bad.  Was it worth it? No, which brings me to my next point. Why do we feel the need to kill ourselves with our workouts? Yes, if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you, but why does challenge equal, "if your not killing yourself and doing things that you KNOW are potentially injury inducing then you are not really working." 

I've probably lost three pounds and three inches in five weeks. That is pretty damn good considering: I'm freakishly short and even five pounds can look like a big change, I only have 10, maybe 15, pounds to lose, I'm old as heck and my metabolism has basically just stopped, and there was a trip to Vegas and my son's graduation party thrown in there. I actually lost and gained two pounds about a dozen times, so I'm counting it as a 12 weight loss. Ah, if only it worked that way.  

I KNOW working out consistently  was a big factor in the weight loss, but I was working out before I began the program doing running and barre classes. This time I also started tracking my calories and was floored at how much I was consuming, so I'm wondering how much of it is finally getting my calorie intake under control. 

As I lie here on my couch deeply engrossed in Lifetime movies, with my calf elevated and icing, giving myself an ulcer from all the Motrin I've chewed, I'm at a loss as to where to go next.  Do I go back to ShaunT and modify, or do what I love (running, barre & yoga) and  see how it goes? For this week I'm hitting the gym and the elliptical and giving my calf a rest after that who knows. I hate this. 

1 comment:

  1. Ouch... I hate being knocked out by injury. After finally discovering the merits of resistance training, I have had to down tools on any sort of lifting for months due to a bl**** shoulder injury. (Perversely I picked it up playing the violin & crocheting rather than in the gym - got to love the irony!)

    I've recently returned to training and with a personal trainer. She's a dancer by training, i.e. there are no heavy weights, just mostly minute movements to isolate and engage specific muscles and I have to say: it is like the hardest work-out and the best form of physiotherapy imaginable. Will it shift pounds? Probably not. Will it teach me to understand the biomechanics of my body to minimise future injuries? Definitely! (Oh, and even though she has asked me to keep a food diary, her main advice is: drink a LOT of water, get plenty of sleep and concentrate on getting the essential minerals. A far cry from the normal fat/sugar brigade!)

    Good luck, x
